2020 IEC Sporting Clay Shoot is a Success

IEC Atlanta hosted its 2020 Sporting Clay Shoot at the Cherokee Rose Gun Club in Griffin, Georgia on Friday November 13th. There was a record number of 60 shooters making 30 teams converged on the rolling terrain at Cherokee Rose.
Warm-ups started at 9am and by 10am the tournament began, and shooters unleashed any frustrations of today’s challenges on the array of clays flying before them. It’s the perfect release and opportunity to enjoy the surroundings and the like company of IEC Contractor and Partner members.
Congratulations to our Sporting Clay Shoot winners;
1st Place- Team 14– Lighting Associates, Inc. scoring 305: Larry Mckinney, John Waldrop, Bruce McCart & Phil Huckaby
2nd place- Team 5– Electrical Services Unlimited scoring 297: Latham Moss, Chris Webb, Travis Kellum & Kyle Martin
3rd place- Team 1– Georgia Specialty Constructor, Inc. scoring 273: Eugene Smiley, Zac Melton, Paul Darden & John Owen
The shooter with the highest score was John Rinehart with a score of 91.
Needless to say there was some excellent shooting happening! The day finished up with lunch and prizes.
The overall event sponsor is Lighting Associates. Thank you for your support! Additional sponsors include, Atlantic Workforce, Commercial Truck & Van Equip., Duvall Agency, Electrical Supplies Unlimited, Elliott Electric Supply, Federated Insurance, Harbin Insurance Agency, Lade-Danlar, Legrand, SelecSource Tradesmen, Smart Lighting Solutions & World Electric.
Thank you for coming out to the 2020 Sporting Clay Shoot and we look forward to seeing you at the next event!