We recently held two Town Hall Meeting, one each for Atlanta and Georgia Chapters where we announced the reopening of IEC training and apprenticeship programs. If you missed this meeting, one of the items covered was our
safety protocol when entering the IEC building or Georgia Chapter locations. We want you and your employees to both feel safe, and not have any surprises when entering our facilities.
Additionally, we covered an
updated calendar, including when our CEU classes go live (June 16th), application deadlines for apprenticeship, Graduation details, Golf dates and much more!
As we continue to move through this challenging time, IEC is diligently reviewing the mountains of information and providing you with only the most important significant updates, yet providing you access to more details when you want them. One of these just happened this week on major revisions to the use of PPP – see the article below for the details.
Did you miss our
Wire-off and Apprentice of the Year Competition? It was held this week and IEC broadcasted it live on Face Book –
See it here
Angel Electric – Angel Ocasio
Powder Springs, GA
E.F. Thomas & Sons Electrical Contractors – Earl “Chip” Thomas
Ball Ground, GA
PPP – SIGNIFICANT Changes Just Passed!
- You now have 24 weeks (or the end of the year) to use the proceeds of a PPP loan. This is a change for just 8 weeks!
- The amount that must be spent on paroll coast has been lowered from 75% to 60%. NOTE: The President must still sign the bill, but it seems assured. Read more
Guide for Desinfecting Electrical Equipment
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) recently published
NEMA GD 4-2020 COVID-19 Cleaning and Disinfecting Guidance for Electrical Equipment. Since managing the COVID-19 virus requires proper cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, NEMA members have developed specific guidelines to answer common questions on how to maintain cleanliness while preserving the functionality and integrity of electrical equipment. The contact there is
Chuck Bull at 800-286-9601
OSHA Issues Updated Covid 19 Guidance for Construction Industry
On May 27, 2020, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) updated its
guidance for employers performing construction work of all types. The agency’s guidance is not a standard or regulation, so it is not legally binding.
Read the full article
We’re continuing to hear about pricing pressures within the market place, whether it be residential contractors moving to the commercial market or a GC pressuring an electrical contractor to rebid work, we are getting squeezed between that and an ever increasing demand on a shortage of labor. One solution is improved productivity. This is were our manufacturer and distributor partners can help us. Here is a webinar on “
8 Practical Steps to Productivity Improvements.“
Prefab is another solution to pricing and productivity pressures
If you have not explored prefab yet, or maybe you think you’re too small to do pre-fab, one solution is
“Rough n’ Ready.” They provide prefabricated wiring systems that are built for electricians by electricians. IEC recommends you reach out to them and see how they can help improve your productivity
Are you adjusting your workforce levels? Let IEC help you by utilizing our Loan/Borrow Program for short-term adjustments. We currently have quite a few members needing to borrow workers. Or, if you need to reduce your workforce, please refer your laid-off workers to the IEC where we can help get them placed with another IEC member who is hiring. Either email direct to julie.gunter@iecatlantaga.org or use this form. Don’t forget to check our list of available workers in our Dropbox – it’s updated every Wednesday! Contact Delast.Muhammad@iecatlantaga.org for login credentials.
Got a job in another state and need to network with another IEC member for workforce needs? We’ve got you covered there as well. Just email niel.dawson@iecatlantaga.org with your request.
- IEC is currently running a recruitment campaign for the membership and are receiving over 10 new applications a day – let us know if you’re hiring!
- Onsite Atlanta Job Fair, June 12th @ IEC Training Center- Register
- Summer School – June 22-July 2 for Apprentices Not Passing
IEC will hold our first summer school for Atlanta apprentices who did not pass
Marketing ConsultationDo you need assistance in marketing your company? IEC can assist you both with basic marketing and uping your market game plan. IEC’s Marketing Consulting is a new member benefit that’s included with your membership. Contact
niel.dawson@iecatlantaga.org to find out more details.
Thank you for your continued support of the IEC Atlanta/Georgia Chapters! Stay safe and have a great weekend!
Niel and the entire IEC Staff