IEC ED Niel Dawson Update – March 20
During this unprecedented time, IEC Atlanta/Georgia is working overtime to quickly adjust to the COVID-19 pandemic, and I would like to provide you with some updates here. Additioanlly, I would like to thank our IEC staff that have quickly jumped into action for our members.
First, we have successfully moved all of our 715 apprentices in 45 classes to our online delivery system with little issues. We are working with instructors who are new to teaching online how to effectively teach in a virtual classroom. Online classes will occur through March 27th with the mid-term exams taking place online as scheduled the week of March 30th. The following week of April 6th will be spring break with no classes. During that week the Board of Directors and staff will assess whether classes will continue online or return to onsite classes, and we will keep both our members and apprentices apprised of the decision.
Next, we are implementing online CEU classes the week of March 23rd. These code classes will be in four-50 minute sessions, just as the norm for onsite classes. These can be purchased and viewed at any time from your office or home and are good for your required CEU state license renewal. These will feature our code instructor Terry Rogers.
We will also be implementing live webinars that will be on pertinent topics to help you through these challenging times. The first webinar will cover proper safety hygiene on the obsite and conducted by our OSHA Certified Safety Instructor, Darryl Fitch. Additional topics in the pipeline are: Supply Chain Disruption, Preparing for a Possible Recession and Are You Prepared for a Union Visit? These will also be recorded and available on our website to be viewed at your convenience. These webinars will be in lieu of our monthly luncheon meetings until we can once again network together.
We are seeing a few lay-offs and loaning of workers, therefore it is extremely important that you keep us informed of your loaning, borrow, layoff and hiring needs so that we may assist you with your employment needs. Please send your needs directly to Julie Gunter at
Our website has up to date information on the status of our events and training at or go directly to
Below are useful resources that we have gathered for your reference:
Coronavirus Webinar Recording – Coronavirus Webinar PowerPoint
COVID-19: Contract Defenses by Kilpatrick Townsend
CDC’s Guidance for Small Businesses
Finally, be thankful for what you have and be kind to others in need.
We thank you for your continued support and please let us know if we can help in any way.
Niel Dawson & the entire IEC staff