IEC ED Niel Dawson Update – May 29th
- Safety Protocol when entering/attending any IEC sites or functions
- Summer School for apprentices not receiving a passing grade
- Class schedules for CEU & Apprenticeship
- Marketing your company (NEW!)
Are you adjusting your workforce levels? Let IEC help you by utilizing our Loan/Borrow Program for short-term adjustments. We currently have quite a few members needing to borrow workers. Or, if you need to reduce your workforce, please refer your laid-off workers to the IEC where we can help get them placed with another IEC member who is hiring. Either email direct to or use this form. Don’t forget to check our list of available workers in our Dropbox – it’s updated every Wednesday! Contact for login credentials.
Got a job in another state and need to network with another IEC member for workforce needs? We’ve got you covered there as well. Just email with your request.
- IEC is currently running a recruitment campaign for the membership and are receiving over 10 new applications a day – let us know if you’re hiring!
- Onsite Job Fair, June 12th @ IEC Training Center – Register
- Summer School – June 22-July 2 for Apprentices Not Passing
IEC will hold our first summer school for Atlanta apprentices who did not pass (70 and above), but scored 61 to 69. This 4 night session will allow apprentices to take the class and retest to bring their grade up to a 70. This is at NO cost to contractors or apprentices, and is in consideration of classing going online effective March 16.
1) Salary increases, hazard pay and bonuses can be included in payroll costs
2) Loan forgiveness for payroll costs can be counted when the payroll is dispersed even if it was for the period prior to the period covered
3) Most health insurance costs can be included as payroll costs, but there are are still some grey areas (read the full article)
4) If you spend more than 25% of the loan on other approved expenses (mortgage, rent, utilities) that it must be paid back in two years at 1% interest
5) Do not use funds for unpermitted purposes, as they must be repaid. For details, please read the full article
- Bonuses, Hazard pay and other extra compensation allowed for employees, but not for Owners – Read the details
- The IRS Will NOT allow for an expense that is deductible to be taken if payment the of the expense results in forgiveness of the PPP Loan – Read more
- PPP Loan Forgiveness Application Released application form The Chamber of Commerce also released at step-by-step guide.
- Architecture Firm Billings See Historic Drop From Feb to March – read the full article
- OSHA Increasing In-Person Inspections at All Types of Businesses – Coronavirus is a recordable Illness – Read more
- Free, Online Safety Resources
The American Red Cross currently has an urgent need for blood donors of all blood types to give now. This is the time to take care of one another, and blood donation is essential to ensuring the health of those in our community. We’re all in this together! Find a Blood Drive close to you
Do you need assistance in marketing your company? IEC can assist you both with basic marketing and uping your market game plan. IEC’s Marketing Consulting is a new member benefit that’s included with your membership. Contact to find out more details.